That's the way I like it!!!!! #kowthas #dailychatter

January 3rd 

Sunday or any holiday for me is the couch and me day.

Well the first 3 days of 2016 are through and most of the time due to ill health I was on bed. When you are not well from inside you can’t be well on the outside. I am cranky all the time and no movie or soap can make me happy.

On such days only one thing brings me back to my senses and that is my craving for grilled bread with SEV. Yes!!!!! No amount of chocolates, ice-creams can comfort me as just 3-4 slices of butter laden mildly grilled bread with crispy fresh not-so-spicy SEV. Maybe this is the reason they say

LOVE IS Blind ;) 

* Post is part of January blogathon by #blogchatter as a #dailychatter 
3rd Jan 2016 , your favourite comfort food


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